Digital Clothing Store

Some Context

All the way back in 2018/2019, when I was first learning the basics of building online businesses I sat down with a group of tattoo artists and digital artists and came up with a plan. We were going to build a clothing company to feature some of their artwork, but we were going to do it with absolutely minimal overhead. 

I built them a print-on-demand clothing website that would only charge the company account whenever a sale was made. Logistically this turned out to be quite tricky – however once I’d ironed out the details I set out to build them a nice website they could link to on their social media profiles.

As this is some of my older work, I will be commenting on what changes I would make 

The Desktop Site

Landing page

A pretty basic and effective slider style homepage. The white text was hard to make readable on this slider initially. I remember spending a lot of time tweaking the contrast and brightness levels on the photo to ensure the white text was readable. 

If I had to make any key changes to it in 2023, I’d probably introduce a faint black pixel border around the text to increase readability.

I remember attempting to compress the image at one point, but If I had to do it over again I think I’d probably lower the resolution slightly too. The base image is 6016 x 4016.

Store Pages

The rest of the site is a pretty standard POD clothing store. 

About Us Page

Our ABOUT US page makes a point of plugging our USP.

The Mobile Site

This was my first attempt at mobile responsiveness. So it was achieved using a variety of plugins that were probably unnecessary in retrospect. 

Landing Page

Again, not much I would do here apart from increase contrast on the landing slider.

Store Pages