Project Brief

1. Client Overview

The client is a bodybuilder living a digital nomadic lifestyle who wishes to create a blog that uniquely combines his passions for travel and fitness. The goal is to design a website that not only serves as a platform for sharing his fitness routines and travel experiences but also reflects his minimalist aesthetic. The website needs to feature two main areas of focus: travel adventures and fitness tips, both of which should be seamlessly integrated into a cohesive, visually appealing design. Additionally, the client requires a custom logo that embodies his brand and lifestyle.

2. Project Goals

The primary goal of the website is to build a bespoke blog that highlights the client’s dual interests in travel and fitness. The website should:

  • Showcase Dual Content: Present engaging content on both travel and fitness, with dedicated sections for each area that are visually distinct yet cohesive.
  • Adopt a Minimalistic Design: Utilize a clean, minimalist design to ensure a focused and intuitive user experience.
  • Create a Custom Logo: Develop a unique logo that represents the client’s brand and integrates elements of both travel and fitness.

3. Target Audience

The website is designed for:

  • Fitness Enthusiasts: Individuals looking for fitness tips and routines that accommodate a nomadic lifestyle.
  • Travel Lovers: People interested in travel experiences and recommendations from a seasoned digital nomad.
  • Digital Nomads: Others who lead a similar lifestyle and seek advice on balancing travel with personal fitness.
  • General Blog Readers: Anyone interested in a blend of travel and fitness content presented through a minimalist lens.

Problem Statement

The client needs a well-designed blog that effectively balances and highlights his interests in travel and fitness. The website should provide a visually appealing and user-friendly experience, aligning with his minimalist design preference. It must also feature a custom logo that captures his personal brand and lifestyle, ensuring that the site stands out and engages the target audience.

Phase 1 – Understanding

In this initial phase, our goal is to build a deep understanding of both the client’s needs and the target audience. This foundational work sets the stage for all subsequent design efforts and ensures that the final product aligns with the user’s expectations and goals.

One of the key tools we use in this phase is the creation of personas. Personas are detailed, semi-fictional characters that represent the various segments of our target audience. By developing these personas, we can gain valuable insights into the needs, goals, and frustrations of our users. This helps us to:

  • Empathize with Users: Understand their specific needs and motivations, which informs the design decisions.
  • Guide Design Choices: Ensure that our solutions are tailored to the needs of real people, rather than assumptions or generic solutions.
  • Align Objectives: Keep the project focused on delivering value to the end user, leading to a more effective and user-centered design.

Through the use of personas, we can create a more targeted and user-focused design, ultimately leading to a more successful and impactful final product.


User Personas

Phase 2: Define

In the Define phase, we build upon our insights from the previous research to clarify and articulate the project’s scope and strategic direction. This step is essential for turning our understanding into a structured framework that guides the design and development process.

To achieve this, we use tools like the Business Model Canvas. The Business Model Canvas helps us to clearly define and document the core elements of the project. By visualizing and organizing these elements, we can ensure that all aspects of the project are aligned with our strategic goals and user needs. This approach enables us to create a well-defined plan that sets a solid foundation for the subsequent phases of design and development.

Business Model Canvas

Phase 3: Ideation

In the Ideation phase, we start transforming the research and strategic decisions into tangible design concepts. This phase helps us visually explore the client’s vision, blending their love for fitness and travel into a minimalistic and cohesive design.


For efficiency, I opted to create pen and paper wireframes. This method allowed me to quickly test different layouts and structures, focusing on the key elements of the website, such as the blog homepage, article layouts, and dedicated sections for travel and fitness. The wireframes help visualize the user journey, ensuring smooth navigation and a clear, intuitive interface before transitioning to digital formats.

Logo Design

The logo design required careful thought to combine two distinct themes—fitness and travel—while keeping the overall aesthetic minimalistic, as per the client’s request. I explored several concepts that could visually represent both aspects in a unified and simple design. The final logo effectively balances these two elements, symbolizing the client’s nomadic lifestyle and passion for fitness in a sleek, modern mark.


Final Logo Concept:

After some back and forth with the client, we finally settled on this. The logo features a barbell, which is perfect given the name of his brand. It also features a little gps dropper and an aeroplane flying to a new destination. We experimented with adding extra parts to the logo but it ended up being too convoluted. This is the best logo we could get for our purposes at this moment.

Hand Drawn Wire Frames

Phase 4: Prototyping


During this phase a slightly more sophisticated prototype was built. I then sat down with the client and guided him through the prototype. His feedback meant that I had to make a few key adjustments to the top bar. Creating not just a “blog” link but also links to pages which held fitness and travel content separately. I also sought his feedback on some of the various images I used for the homepage slider, including pictures of the areas he’s travelled in South East Asia and some generic fitness photos. Once we were happy with the changes we proceeded to the final draft and began building the site.

Phase 5 – Testing


With all of the content planned out I uploaded the website. Most of the issues I encountered were as a direct result of the CMS we decided to use – WordPress. For some reason the clients domain would not allow him to modify or change his WordPress folder – which basically meant his site was frozen. After giving me access to the account he uses to interact with his domain host I was able to reset the site and get to work constructing our final version.


Final Website: